I am a third-year PhD student in LFCS at the University of Edinburgh, supervised by Dr. Sam Lindley. I am interested in types and effects.
I obtained my bachelor’s degree from Peking University, where I worked on program calculation and bidirectional programs supervised by Prof. Zhenjiang Hu. I did a research internship with Prof. Tom Schrijvers working on algebraic and scoped effects in 2021.
- Ph.D. Student in Informatics, Oct 2022 - Present, The University of Edinburgh
- B.S. in Computer Science (summa cum laude), Sept 2018 - July 2022, Peking University
From High to Low: Simulating Nondeterminism and State with State
Wenhao Tang, Tom Schrijvers
In JFP, Volume 34, e16, 2025 (special issue on program calculation)[doi]
A Calculus for Scoped Effects & Handlers
Roger Bosman*, Birthe van den Berg*, Wenhao Tang*, Tom Schrijvers (*equal contributions)
In LMCS, Volume 20, Issue 4, 2024.[doi]
Modal Effect Types
Wenhao Tang, Leo White, Stephen Dolan, Daniel Hillerström, Sam Lindley, Anton Lorenzen
Draft, July 2024.[arXiv]
Soundly Handling Linearity
Wenhao Tang, Daniel Hillerström, Sam Lindley, J. Garrett Morris
In POPL 2024.[doi]
[SIGPLAN blog post]
ACM SIGPLAN Distinguished Paper Award -
Session-Typed Effect Handlers
Wenhao Tang
Extended abstract. 3rd place in Student Research Competition of POPL 2024.[document]
Structural Subtyping as Parametric Polymorphism
Wenhao Tang, Daniel Hillerström, James McKinna, Michel Steuwer, Ornela Dardha, Rongxiao Fu, Sam Lindley
In OOPSLA 2023.[doi]
Contract Lenses: Reasoning about Bidirectional Programs via Calculation
Hanliang Zhang, Wenhao Tang, Ruifeng Xie, Meng Wang, Zhenjiang Hu
In JFP, Volume 33, e10, 2023. Presented at ICFP 2024.[doi]
Effects, Linearity, and Modalities
Seminar, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, Aug 2024[slides]
Seminar, Peking University, Beijing, China, Aug 2024[slides]
Modal Effect Types
SPLV Lighting Talk, University of Strathclyde, Scotland, UK, July 2024[slides]
Soundly Handling Linearity
TUPLE, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, Feb 2024[slides]
POPL'24, London, England, UK, Jan 2024[slides]
Seminar, University of Bristol, England, UK, Oct 2023[slides]
EHOP Workshop, The Burn, Scotland, UK, July 2023[slides]
Structural Subtyping as Parametric Polymorphism
OOPSLA'23, Cascais, Portugal, Oct 2023[slides]
Tracking Linear Continuations for Effect Handlers
Huawei-Edinburgh Joint Lab Workshop, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, June 2023[slides]
SPLS, Heriot-Watt University, Scotland, UK, March 2023[slides]
- λQ: A simple quantum programming language and compiler
Course project, Spring 2021[report]
- λM: A language with dependent types and termination checking
Course project, Spring 2020[report]
- TA, Elements of Programming Languages, The University of Edinburgh, Fall 2024.
- TA & Tutor, Elements of Programming Languages, The University of Edinburgh, Fall 2023.
- TA & Tutor, Elements of Programming Languages, The University of Edinburgh, Fall 2022.
- TA, Introduction to Computer Systems, Peking University, Fall 2020.